How Do I Help?
You might say that the window film industry is a perfect example of the American dream at work. If you work hard enough and become skilled enough, you can become as successful as you desire, regardless of who you are, or where you come from.
With the majority of industry members being sole proprietors, one of the biggest challenges is keeping afloat after an injury or major illness. While insurance covers medical bills, it doesn’t pay their business or personal bills. If they aren’t slinging film, those bills can get out of control.
Tinters for a Cause is creating programs and hosting events to raise funds to help members of the window film community and their families when tragedy or hardships arise.

Tint Shop Events
Tinters for a Cause uses its nationwide network of window film installers for “tintathons” to support fellow industry members. Each event goes through a screening by a committee using a referral program from social media. Then, the Tinters for a Cause board of directors approve the “tintathon.” Once approved, tinters volunteering for an event show up to do window film installs and donate all the proceeds to the person in need.
Tintathons to raise money for industry members
Events are based on Referrals from social media channels
Approval for events comes from Board of Directors
Volunteers from across the country participate
All Proceeds from the event is donated to the person in need or chosen cause.
Tint Shop Association
The Tinters for a Cause Tint Shop Association is a nationwide network of tint shops. Members sign on by donating the proceeds of one tint job per month or at least $200 per month. By joining the Tint Shop Association, window film professional installers and shop owners show strong support for a group willing to jump in and help.

Corporate Sponsorship
Tinters for a Cause helps corporations increase their brand visibility within the window film community. Donating items for auctions, film for tintathons, or being an event sponsor brings excellent value. Whether a one-time donation or a continuous donation supporting our mission, becoming a corporate sponsor highlights your support for our industry and its members.