Why do I need an identity reboot? Is your old brand obsolete or dated?
A business changes, grows, expands, adapts. Your brand is the core identity of your business. It encompasses all your company’s values, beliefs, and personality traits. Your logo and brand may not convey the business values of your company anymore. When your brand no longer reflects your values, beliefs, and personality- It may be time for a reboot.
You can step away from the pack by differentiating your brand with new, more appealing standards. Your mission and values should dictate how your brand develops. If they change, your brand should follow. Whatever it takes to make your brand a reflection of your company’s identity, do it.
Let us reintroduce your brand to your base or attract an entire new base. An identity reboot is a marketing strategy to give your business a new name, icon, and access to a new client base.
When Should I reboot my Brand?
branding is all over the place.
Your offerings have changed.
You’re targeting the wrong audience.
Your content doesn’t emotionally connect.
The brand is missing from your customer experience.
Tie the update to real change.
Many business owners think of branding as just a logo and maybe their color schemes. Smart business owners realize that graphic elements (logos, color palette, typefaces) are symbols to communicate the essence of the brand experience. While the symbolism is important, it’s the combination of the symbolism and what your brand actually delivers that determines the customer experience. So the strongest brand updates are those that communicate a real change in your brand’s strategy and experience.
Start with WHY and get buy-in
Be flexible and open to new possibilities
Give everyone a voice- get feedback from customers and employees to learn what works and doesn’t work
Gather input and keep an open mind
Develop a strong rollout plan
Nail the “right time.”
Obviously, given the need to tie change to something real, the best “right time” to update your brand is when there’s going to be a fundamental shift in your customer’s experience; performing the update serves to signal that change.
But there may be other times you have to do a refresh.
You need an update if what consumers feed you back is inconsistent with your brand vision and aspiration.
These situations might occur if your brand:
has become indistinguishable from the competition
starts looking too “corporate” or stale
disconnected from your offering, your consumers, or the times
Build on brand equities you own–in the customer’s mind.
When starting an Idendity Reboot, you’ll want to keep those attributes and graphic elements that resonate most strongly with customers and on which the brand still delivers well. Then think about how to offer them up in a fresher way.
At the same time, you may want to disassociate yourself with elements that are no longer relevant or perhaps are even a negative.
An Identity Reboot looks at:
Primary & Secondary Logos
Complete Color Palette
Style and look of the brand
Brand Guidelines used on touchpoints such as business cards
Don’t try to be trendy.
Some business owners think that to look current and relevant, they need to follow the latest design fad. That’s a mistake. Following fads can make you look dated. Lasting brands are timeless, not designed after fads.Make sure your reboot can encompass new products or services that happened as part of the growth of your company.
Successful Identity Reboots:
Assess your current branding
Audit your existing branding collateral
Create a vision for your brand
Create a plan of action
Clarify on your brand and give fresh insights
Steer all future marketing communications
A guiding light for all your business decisions
Join The Movement
Release the Quacken
Unless you are Chuck Norris, who will never submit.
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